Saturday, January 31, 2009


Connecting back to people after my travel last 3 months has been unique experience....
Looking back, reflecting, channelising through the various interactions I had with all of you .......brings out something new each time......Renewal.....just like seasons, earth cycles, relationships, redefinitions .........
While training we emphasise on reiteration......guess life also is like that....

Some friends ask me what keeps me going, what makes me can I smile and laugh so much......these little nuances of life.....sharings.....helping friends....friends seeking help.....the sun set in Nimboli-Fire mountain Mandagini...the straw huts,,,,,the children running barefoot in scorching sun......the temple bells ringing and the pretty bead trinkets bought from the village fair.........the hope that today is better than yesterday and the belief that tomorrow will be the best......the reiteration through Vedas till power of now.........LIVE IN THE MOMENT ....yet live an eternity in a moment.....


Unknown said...

What keeps me going is the humor of the whole journey, and my curiosity.

Unknown said...

Nice post. The little things can often be a source of wonder.

abz said...

hey like ur work ..wud like to read more frm u..