Thursday, November 27, 2008


Deep many thoughts....i watch my emotions rise since i heard of mumbai......facebook, news channels, phone calls,,,,,,so many mediums of at its peak....yet so much helplessness in the face of terror.....a black hole gaping at all of us..........
First everybody i know safe?
second thought.......what is being it enough?
third thought.....what if the whole of India walked out on the street.....would it help to have a movement to stop terrorism....a common man movement......
fourth thought .........waht if ex military men got together and formed anti terror people to be strong mentally, physically, emotionally....
FEAR BREEDS FEAR.....who will bell the cat? who will take the lead? is that what is responsible for just a small group of well armed people and intelligently trained people to destroy more than ten times their number.....
Is this not a pity? Might is right? IS it really? then why are billions across the world watching helplessly as dreams burn, cities burn, generations burn.....

Are we becoming a generation of souls used to watching such events as we watch soap operas......?

FEELINGS .......sadness, anger, fear, fatalistic, all a mixed bag of emotions.....
Ok the city survives and moves on .....till when? till the next attack? and the next and the next?
there is no running away.......from the TRUTH.......
Each one has a part to play .......let's play it.
What can a civilian do to combat terrorism in his/her own way?

Please share suggestions/ideas/feelings.....let it come from your heart......
and yes there is strength and power in all of us ....
Can we wake up and realise that potential in each one of us to make a difference....

I invite you all to have your say through Nisbat.....

I a Mumbaikar watching my city for the umpteenth seething with anger at what is feeling sad for what is exploring ways I can discover my own strength to fight this energy.......

Please pray for the people who are suffering since yesterday,
Please feel some part of what they must be going through,
Please send thoughts of love and peace to places of unrest wherever they are on the globe.....


Unknown said...

Beautiful post, Puneeta! Fear is conquered by truth. Stupid mindless violence never solved a problem. As social media comes of age, we find our voice and we listen directly to the people caught up in events as they happen. That is our power, and it is good. It is a very sad day for India and all of the victims and their families.

Danalyze said...

this is part of the problem

they look very young

i think as you say ex-millitaries can join and do something about this

but i think in general there should be more awareness

and exmillitairies have trauma too

In the whole world they should become more awareness of what group is representing what. off course hidden groups are difficult to trace, but they will always leave their marks by doing things.

I hope this will wake people up to become more aware of how influencable and fearfull we are, specially when unaware.
there is a lot of tension going on and young people are put under pressure which leads to unaware acts of distruction like this.

Older generations putting their minds on the younger cause they are easy to influence. Its sad.

Unknown said...

It's over! Now we need to help and support the victims.